A Piece of my Thror army, painted entirely by hand with Games workshop and army painter colors, using the classic color scheme of the dwarves of Erebor.


For the starting point, I decided to use a light neutral color like "Primer" gray (I used Mechanicus Standard Gray but also the equivalent army painter is fine), as the basic idea is to have colder colors on clothes " Pastel".

Step: 1

After having passed the Primer, let's move on to the basic coloring of the clothes, being various models I opted for basic red (khorne red), Blue (Mecragge blue), Yellow (Averland Sunset) and classic leather color starting from a base of (Rhinox Hide ) or (Dryad Dark) if you want to get an older leather color.

Do not forget the skin of starting from a darker base than (Ratskin Flesh).

(To be specified only clothes, taking OUT arms armor plates).


Step: 2

After applying the basic colors of the CLOTHES, let's move on to base the weapons paying attention to see with a clinical eye which weapons have wooden components inside and which ones do not.

Then we carefully apply a base of (Leadbelcher) on all the metal parts that can be seen and immediately after, pass on the remaining wooden parts the base of (Rhinox Hide) or if you want to get a lighter wood go to (Steel Legion Drab mixed with a hint of Mechanicus Standard Gray 2: 1 ratio) to obtain a "Mature" wood color.

After passing the base, we have to wash everything.

Step: 3

Based on the starting color of the dress, we can opt for a different wash, even better if mixed together to have an extraordinary effect on the clothes (be careful not to fill the brush in the wash as these miniatures are on a much smaller scale than games Workshop standards).

If you have based the dress with Mecragge blue, it is advisable to wash with the Drakenhof Nightshade possibly lengthened with a little water or with the Lamia medium (also produced by Games Workshop) to make it a little lighter being a very heavy wash and keeping in mind that we want to get a "Pastel" color on our clothes. If you have applied red with Khorne Red a wash like Corromburg Crimson is fine, alternatively if you want a "bright" color use Fuegon Orange, on the contrary for the "Off" color go for a classic Nuln Oil.

If you have also based yellow (Averland Sunset) wash everything with a Seraphim Sepia alternatively the same procedure if you want the dullest color always use Nuln oil, finally if you have also opted for the classic leather base (Rhinox Hide) or ( Dryad Dark) go quietly of the classic Agrax Earthshade.

Wash the skin with a (Seraphim Sepia).

Step: 4

If you have made it this far in the guide, thank you for your reading and you are at a good point: D

Now let's move on to the highlights on our clothes.

On the red (Khorne red) we have several options to highlight I have chosen for a first coat of (Evil Sunz Scarlet), being careful in tracing only and exclusively parts of the dress in relief and immediately after for the more external parts again with a (Wild Rider Red).

On the Blue (Mecragge blue) the same identical procedure for the red but with the (Teclis Blue) and immediately afterwards apply (Hoeth blue), in case you want a further highlight even lighter go to (Celestia gray).

On the yellow (Averland Sunset) I opted for a (Ungor flesh) and a second coat of (Ungor Flesh) with an addition of (White Scar), but you can still find many colors on the yellow with the range available.

For leather, on the other hand, an excellent one (Gorthor Brown) and if you like even more shiny leather a (Baneble Brown). Obviously the procedure is the same as described above.

Finally highlight the skin with (kislev Flesh) in addition to a pinch of (White Scar) to make it brighter especially on the hands, fingers, nose, ears.

Step: 5 

Here we are now we have to do the basics of our miniatures.

There are many options on how to do them, being Erebor dwarves with the King under the mountain in command, I could not help but make them kind of rocky with a bit of steppe here and there.

For a success as in the picture, paint the underlying base with zandri dust, apply a bit of Vinavil and use the army painter's soil (Brown Battleground). 

Once dried Take the (Murfang Brown) and apply it evenly over the entire base.
To add an extra touch, use a grass with a mountain style or dry clumps.